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Water Treatment
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Industrial Raw Water, Water and Wastewater Treatment
Date:2017-08-04 14:18:55 | Visits:

In many industries, water is very important medium, and in practical application, the water will usuallyappear on the form of raw water, production water or wastewater.Before the water transport to the machining process,itneeds tobeprocessing to ensure the quality and properties to as efficiently as possible to promote industrial manufacturing processes, orwhat needs to do is, to ensure the damageto process equipment at the lowest level.

In addition, the obvious trend in thecurrent iron,steel, food, beverage and many otherindustriesneed a lot of water at present,which increasingly circulate and use of recycled water. We need to reduce water consumption and pollution, andall of which has brought the cost cuts. By processing, waste water emitted to the municipal sewage system or sewage pool inside, and finally return to the source.

Our Tubanghas rich experience in the field of industrial water use. We are committed to help clients constantly deal with various challenges associated with water. These lessons help us to accumulate the rich professional knowledge . We are able to provide water chemicals andinnovative solutions for the raw water and circulating water,We are working hard toensure water quality meetwiththe requirements of the production process.

We can ensure thatwetreat thewaste-water in efficient way, and  the quality of treated water  is better than thenationalemission standard .

 Next:Municipal Water(Wastewater Treatment,Lakes Improvement and Drinking Water)
Copyright: Jiangsu Tubang Technology Co. Ltd.